List of SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17's difference files for nag

-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:01 share/Library/test/test_axes.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:01 share/Library/test/test_coord_transform.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:01 share/Library/test/test_freq.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:01 share/Library/test/test_geopack.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:02 share/Library/test/test_io_unit.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:02 share/Library/test/test_interpolate.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:02 share/Library/test/test_interpolate_amr.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:02 share/Library/test/test_initial_state.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:02 share/Library/test/test_line_extract.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:02 share/Library/test/test_linear_advection.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:02 share/Library/test/test_linear_solver.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:02 share/Library/test/test_linear_wrapper.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:02 share/Library/test/test_lookup_table.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:02 share/Library/test/test_planet_field.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:02 share/Library/test/test_plot_file.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff    462 Jul 17 20:02 share/Library/test/test_poisson.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:02 share/Library/test/test_random_number.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:02 share/Library/test/test_ray_trace.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:02 share/Library/test/test_sort.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:03 share/Library/test/test_time_convert.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:03 share/Library/test/test_triangulate.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:03 share/Library/test/test_utilities.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:03 util/DATAREAD/srcMagnetogram/test_harmonics.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:03 util/DATAREAD/srcMagnetogram/test_potential.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:03 util/DATAREAD/srcMagnetogram/test_fdips.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:04 util/DATAREAD/srcMagnetogram/test_fdips_hypre.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:04 util/DATAREAD/srcMagnetogram/test_fdips_wedge.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:05 util/EMPIRICAL/srcEE/test_td22.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:05 GM/BATSRUS/test_spectrum.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:06 GM/BATSRUS/test_shocktube_1d_gpu.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:08 GM/BATSRUS/test_fastwave_gpu.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:09 GM/BATSRUS/test_fastwave_2d_gpu.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:12 GM/BATSRUS/test_earth_gpu.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:13 GM/BATSRUS/test_awsom_gpu.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:14 GM/BATSRUS/test_bx0.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:16 GM/BATSRUS/test_shocktube.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:20 GM/BATSRUS/test_shockround.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:22 GM/BATSRUS/test_shockramp.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:24 GM/BATSRUS/test_partsteady.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:26 GM/BATSRUS/test_hallmhd.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:29 GM/BATSRUS/test_twofluidmhd.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:30 GM/BATSRUS/test_multifluid.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:31 GM/BATSRUS/test_multiion.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:33 GM/BATSRUS/test_mhdnoncons.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:34 GM/BATSRUS/test_viscosity.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:38 GM/BATSRUS/test_awsom.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:42 GM/BATSRUS/test_stitch.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:44 GM/BATSRUS/test_earthsph.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:50 GM/BATSRUS/test_2bodyplot.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:52 GM/BATSRUS/test_magnetometer.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:56 GM/BATSRUS/test_anisotropic.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:58 GM/BATSRUS/test_region2d.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 20:59 GM/BATSRUS/test_fivemoment_alfven.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 21:00 GM/BATSRUS/test_fivemoment_shock.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 21:01 GM/BATSRUS/test_fivemoment_langmuir.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 21:07 GM/BATSRUS/test_outerhelio2d.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 21:12 GM/BATSRUS/test_outerhelio.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 21:15 GM/BATSRUS/test_outerhelio_1d.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 21:18 GM/BATSRUS/test_outerhelioawsom.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 21:21 GM/BATSRUS/test_outerheliopui.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 21:23 GM/BATSRUS/test_outerheliopui_1d.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff   8678 Jul 17 22:37 GM/BATSRUS/test_func.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 22:42 GM/BATSRUS/test_awsomchargestate.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 22:44 GM/BATSRUS/test_awsomfluids.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 22:45 GM/BATSRUS/test_bvector.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 22:46 GM/BATSRUS/test_awsom_bvector.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 22:53 GM/BATSRUS/test_fluxemergence.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 22:55 GM/BATSRUS/test_graydiffusion.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 22:57 GM/BATSRUS/test_eosgodunov.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  10168 Jul 17 22:58 GM/BATSRUS/test_laserpackage.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:03 GM/BATSRUS/test_titan.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:06 GM/BATSRUS/test_titan_restart.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:07 GM/BATSRUS/test_mars.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:08 GM/BATSRUS/test_mars_restart.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:11 GM/BATSRUS/test_venus.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:15 GM/BATSRUS/test_venus_restart.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:18 GM/BATSRUS/test_mercurysph.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:19 GM/BATSRUS/test_ganymede.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:24 GM/BATSRUS/test_saturn.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:26 GM/BATSRUS/test_jupiter.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:30 GM/BATSRUS/test_comet.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:33 GM/BATSRUS/test_cometCGhd.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:35 GM/BATSRUS/test_cometCGfluids.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:37 GM/BATSRUS/test_europa2fluidspe.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:40 GM/BATSRUS/test_europa3fluidspe.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:42 IM/CIMI/test_cimi.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff     16 Jul 17 23:42 IM/HEIDI/test_analytic.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:43 PC/ALTOR/test_altor.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:45 PC/ALTOR/test_beam.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:47 PW/PWOM/test_Saturn.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:47 PW/PWOM/test_Saturn_plots.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:47 PW/PWOM/test_Saturn_restart.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:47 PW/PWOM/test_Saturn_restart_plots.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:48 PW/PWOM/test_Earth.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:48 PW/PWOM/test_Earth_plots.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:50 RB/RBE/test.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff     78 Jul 17 23:51 SP/MFLAMPA/test_mflampa.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff     30 Jul 17 23:51 UA/GITM2/test_gitm_earth_1d.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff     29 Jul 17 23:51 UA/GITM2/test_gitm_mars_1d.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:52 test_eeggl.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:55 test_eegtd.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:56 test_ps.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 17 23:57 test_sp.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 00:35 test_swpc_gpu_gm.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 00:35 test_swpc_gpu_ie.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff   4433 Jul 18 00:43 test_swpc_rcm_gm.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 00:43 test_swpc_rcm_ie.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 00:43 test_swpc_rcm_rb.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff    725 Jul 18 00:54 test_swpc_multiion_gm.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 00:54 test_swpc_multiion_ie.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 01:01 test_swpc_multispecies_gm.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 01:01 test_swpc_multispecies_ie.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 01:12 test_swpc_cimi_gm.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 01:12 test_swpc_cimi_ie.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 01:22 test_swpc_cimi_species_gm.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 01:22 test_swpc_cimi_species_ie.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 01:35 test_swpc_pwom_gm.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff    692 Jul 18 01:35 test_swpc_pwom_ie.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 01:48 test_swpc_pwom_species_gm.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 01:48 test_swpc_pwom_species_ie.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 01:50 test01_pw.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 01:50 test01_gm.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 01:50 test01_ie.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff     17 Jul 18 01:51 test04_gm.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff     17 Jul 18 01:51 test04_ie.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 01:56 test05_ee.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 01:56 test05_sc.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:02 test06_sc_sa.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:02 test06_ih_sa.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:06 test07_ih.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:06 test07_oh.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:15 test08_sc_thread.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:15 test08_ih.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:15 test08_sc_los.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:26 test09_sc.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:27 test09_sc_los.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:27 test09_sc_cme.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:27 test09_sc_cme_los.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:27 test09_sc_restart_los.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:27 test09_ih_trj_earth.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:27 test09_ih.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:31 test13_pt.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff   3838 Jul 18 02:36 test14_1d_ohpt.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:39 test14_ohpt.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:43 test14pui_ohpt.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:46 test15_scihsp.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:52 test16.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:55 test17.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 02:57 test18.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 03:00 test_swpc_aepic_gm.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 03:00 test_swpc_aepic_pc.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 03:12 test19_sc.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 03:12 test19_ih.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 03:12 test19_sc_los.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff      0 Jul 18 03:12 test19_sp.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  10552 Jul 18 03:14 test20.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  20935 Jul 18 03:23 test21.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:24 BATL/test11.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:24 BATL/test12.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:25 BATL/test21.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:25 BATL/test22.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:25 BATL/test31.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:26 BATL/test32.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:28 BATL/test33.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:28 BATL/advect11.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:28 BATL/advect21.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:29 BATL/advect22.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:29 BATL/advect12.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:29 BATL/advect31.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:30 BATL/advect32.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:31 BATL/advect33.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:32 BATL/advect22_rz.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:32 BATL/advect22_cyl.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:32 BATL/advect22_round.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:32 BATL/advect33_sph.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:33 BATL/advect33_rlonlat.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:33 BATL/advect33_round.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:33 BATL/readamr_1d.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:33 BATL/readamr_2d.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:35 BATL/readamr_3d.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:36 BATL/readamr_sph.diff
-rw-r--r--  1 gtoth  staff  0 Jul 18 03:38 BATL/readamr_c.diff

Head of SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17's difference files for nag

share/Library/test/test_axes (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_coord_transform (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_freq (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_geopack (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_initial_state (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_interpolate (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_interpolate_amr (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_io_unit (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_line_extract (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_linear_advection (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_linear_solver (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_linear_wrapper (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_lookup_table (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_planet_field (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_plot_file (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_poisson (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_poisson_bracket starting
/Applications/ /Users/gtoth/Tmp_nag/SWMF/lib/libSHARE.a
make[6]: `/Users/gtoth/Tmp_nag/SWMF/lib/libSHARE.a' is up to date.

/Users/gtoth/Tmp_nag/SWMF/lib/libSHARE.a has been brought up to date.

nagfor -mdir /Users/gtoth/Tmp_nag/SWMF/share/include -I/Users/gtoth/Tmp_nag/SWMF/share/include  -c -w -ideclient -Wc=`which gcc` -fpp -kind=byte   -default_kinds:r=64 -O2 test_poisson_bracket.f90

share/Library/test/test_random_number (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_ray_trace (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_sort (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_time_convert (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_triangulate (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

share/Library/test/test_utilities (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

util/DATAREAD/srcMagnetogram/test_fdips (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

util/DATAREAD/srcMagnetogram/test_fdips_hypre (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

util/DATAREAD/srcMagnetogram/test_fdips_wedge (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

util/DATAREAD/srcMagnetogram/test_harmonics (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

util/DATAREAD/srcMagnetogram/test_potential (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

util/EMPIRICAL/srcEE/test_td22 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_2bodyplot (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_anisotropic (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_awsom (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_awsom_bvector (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_awsom_gpu (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_awsomchargestate (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_awsomfluids (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_bvector (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_bx0 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_comet (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_cometCGfluids (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_cometCGhd (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_earth_gpu (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_earthsph (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_eosgodunov (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_europa2fluidspe (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_europa3fluidspe (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_fastwave_2d_gpu (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_fastwave_gpu (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_fivemoment_alfven (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_fivemoment_langmuir (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_fivemoment_shock (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_fluxemergence (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_func (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

-Implicit=partimpl05 -Length=tiny_ta -Limiter=mc3 -Logtype=logsatmove -Reschange=accurate -Resist=hall -Stage=2 -Timestep=ta
test.020 IO2/log_n000001.log: diffmax=3.1856e-10 for By at line 52
test.020 IO2/sat_sat_close_n00000001.sat: diffmax=2.99999999999745e-05 for Uy at line 35

-Logtype=ray -Plottype=ray -Upstream=nsturning_1nT_tilt
test.031: run_test_func/test.031/error.031=[csrwks2022-0212:69586] *** Process received signal ***
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] Signal: Segmentation fault: 11 (11)
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] Signal code: Invalid permissions (2)
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] Failing at address: 0x3a5300000009
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [ 0] 0   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x000000018d31ea24 _sigtramp + 56
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [ 1] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000102c4e06c allocate + 20
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [ 2] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000102c4e06c allocate + 20
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [ 3] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000102c4e9e0 __NAGf90_zoAlloc + 48
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [ 4] 0   libf71rts.dylib                     0x00000001045d12e0 __NAGf90_Alloc_zatmp + 20
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [ 5] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000103168d48 timing_stop_ + 272
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [ 6] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000102d67a4c modbatsrusutility_MP_barrier_mpi + 60
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [ 7] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000102e65458 modfieldtracefast_MP_ray_pass_old + 1168
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [ 8] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000102e71f08 modfieldtracefast_MP_trace_grid_fast + 14164
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [ 9] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000102e77158 modfieldtracefast_MP_trace_field_grid + 1492
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [10] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000102d5f630 modbatsrusmethods_MP_bats_save_filesIP_save_file + 1812
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [11] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000102d608e0 modbatsrusmethods_MP_bats_save_filesIP_save_files + 300
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [12] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000102d61aa4 modbatsrusmethods_MP_bats_save_files + 1600
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [13] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000102d63efc modbatsrusmethods_MP_bats_advance + 2556
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [14] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000102c79088 batsrus_ + 1556
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [15] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000102c5ddf0 __NAGf90_cosmp_init + 220
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [16] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000102c5dd0c __NAGf90_nonsmp_init + 28
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [17] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x000000010316d8a4 main + 36
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] [18] 0   dyld                                0x000000018cf97f28 start + 2236
 [csrwks2022-0212:69586] *** End of error message ***
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] *** Process received signal ***
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] Signal: Segmentation fault: 11 (11)
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] Signal code: Invalid permissions (2)
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] Failing at address: 0x3a670000000b
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [ 0] 0   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x000000018d31ea24 _sigtramp + 56
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [ 1] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104f0e06c allocate + 20
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [ 2] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104f0e06c allocate + 20
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [ 3] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104f0e9e0 __NAGf90_zoAlloc + 48
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [ 4] 0   libf71rts.dylib                     0x00000001068912e0 __NAGf90_Alloc_zatmp + 20
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [ 5] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000105120f48 modfieldtracefast_MP_rayface_interpolate + 552
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [ 6] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x00000001051240ac modfieldtracefast_MP_ray_pass_oldIP_prolong_ray + 4724
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [ 7] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000105129e5c modfieldtracefast_MP_ray_pass_old + 20116
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [ 8] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000105131f08 modfieldtracefast_MP_trace_grid_fast + 14164
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [ 9] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000105137158 modfieldtracefast_MP_trace_field_grid + 1492
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [10] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x000000010501f630 modbatsrusmethods_MP_bats_save_filesIP_save_file + 1812
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [11] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x00000001050208e0 modbatsrusmethods_MP_bats_save_filesIP_save_files + 300
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [12] [csrwks2022-0212:69589] *** Process received signal ***
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] Signal: Segmentation fault: 11 (11)
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] Signal code: Invalid permissions (2)
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] Failing at address: 0x336900000009
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [ 0] 0   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x000000018d31ea24 _sigtramp + 56
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [ 1] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104e3a06c allocate + 20
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [ 2] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000105021aa4 modbatsrusmethods_MP_bats_save_files + 1600
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [13] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000105023efc modbatsrusmethods_MP_bats_advance + 2556
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [14] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104f39088 batsrus_ + 1556
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [15] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104f1ddf0 __NAGf90_cosmp_init + 220
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [16] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104f1dd0c __NAGf90_nonsmp_init + 28
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [17] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104e3a06c allocate + 20
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [ 3] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104e3a9e0 __NAGf90_zoAlloc + 48
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [ 4] --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
 a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x000000010542d8a4 main + 36
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] [18] 0   dyld                                0x000000018cf97f28 start + 2236
 [csrwks2022-0212:69587] *** End of error message ***
 0   libf71rts.dylib                     0x00000001067bd2e0 __NAGf90_Alloc_zatmp + 20
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [ 5] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x000000010504cf48 modfieldtracefast_MP_rayface_interpolate + 552
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [ 6] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x000000010504ff5c modfieldtracefast_MP_ray_pass_oldIP_prolong_ray + 4388
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [ 7] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000105055e5c modfieldtracefast_MP_ray_pass_old + 20116
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [ 8] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x000000010505df08 modfieldtracefast_MP_trace_grid_fast + 14164
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [ 9] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000105063158 modfieldtracefast_MP_trace_field_grid + 1492
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [10] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104f4b630 modbatsrusmethods_MP_bats_save_filesIP_save_file + 1812
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [11] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104f4c8e0 modbatsrusmethods_MP_bats_save_filesIP_save_files + 300
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [12] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104f4daa4 modbatsrusmethods_MP_bats_save_files + 1600
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [13] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104f4fefc modbatsrusmethods_MP_bats_advance + 2556
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [14] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104e65088 batsrus_ + 1556
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [15] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104e49df0 __NAGf90_cosmp_init + 220
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [16] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x0000000104e49d0c __NAGf90_nonsmp_init + 28
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [17] 0   BATSRUS.exe                         0x00000001053598a4 main + 36
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] [18] 0   dyld                                0x000000018cf97f28 start + 2236
 [csrwks2022-0212:69589] *** End of error message ***
 mpiexec noticed that process rank 0 with PID 0 on node csrwks2022-0212 exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault: 11).

GM/BATSRUS/test_ganymede (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_graydiffusion (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_hallmhd (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_jupiter (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_laserpackage (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag) -a=1e-30 -r=2e-5 run_test_laserpackage/RESULTS/GM/log_n000000.log Param/CRASH/TestOutput/log_laserpackage.log
<       2  1.19967E-16  1.19967E-016  1.58694E+003 -3.74254E-009 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.01294E+000  1.32902E+001  3.69048E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-3.74254E-009 - -5.52805E-009) = 1.78551e-09
>       2  1.19967E-16  1.19967E-016  1.58694E+003 -5.52805E-009 -7.00355E-006  0.00000E+000  1.01294E+000  1.32902E+001  3.69048E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<       2  1.19967E-16  1.19967E-016  1.58694E+003 -3.74254E-009 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.01294E+000  1.32902E+001  3.69048E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00355E-006) = 0.00010289545
>       2  1.19967E-16  1.19967E-016  1.58694E+003 -5.52805E-009 -7.00355E-006  0.00000E+000  1.01294E+000  1.32902E+001  3.69048E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<       3  2.67041E-16  1.47074E-016  1.58694E+003 -4.17176E-005 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.02599E+000  1.30589E+001  3.73125E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-4.17176E-005 - -4.17194E-005) = 1.79999999999717e-09
>       3  2.67041E-16  1.47074E-016  1.58694E+003 -4.17194E-005 -7.00355E-006  0.00000E+000  1.02599E+000  1.30589E+001  3.73125E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<       3  2.67041E-16  1.47074E-016  1.58694E+003 -4.17176E-005 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.02599E+000  1.30589E+001  3.73125E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00355E-006) = 0.00010289545
>       3  2.67041E-16  1.47074E-016  1.58694E+003 -4.17194E-005 -7.00355E-006  0.00000E+000  1.02599E+000  1.30589E+001  3.73125E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<       4  3.99394E-16  1.32352E-016  1.58694E+003 -7.92561E-005 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.03955E+000  1.29064E+001  3.77086E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-7.92561E-005 - -7.92579E-005) = 1.80000000000395e-09
>       4  3.99394E-16  1.32352E-016  1.58694E+003 -7.92579E-005 -7.00355E-006  0.00000E+000  1.03955E+000  1.29064E+001  3.77086E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<       4  3.99394E-16  1.32352E-016  1.58694E+003 -7.92561E-005 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.03955E+000  1.29064E+001  3.77086E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00355E-006) = 0.00010289545
>       4  3.99394E-16  1.32352E-016  1.58694E+003 -7.92579E-005 -7.00355E-006  0.00000E+000  1.03955E+000  1.29064E+001  3.77086E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<       5  5.18472E-16  1.19078E-016  1.58694E+003 -1.13030E-004 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.05397E+000  1.27966E+001  3.81054E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00355E-006) = 0.00010289545
>       5  5.18472E-16  1.19078E-016  1.58694E+003 -1.13031E-004 -7.00355E-006  0.00000E+000  1.05396E+000  1.27966E+001  3.81054E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<       6  6.61309E-16  1.42837E-016  1.58694E+003 -1.53542E-004 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.07519E+000  1.26828E+001  3.86598E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00355E-006) = 0.00010289545
>       6  6.61309E-16  1.42837E-016  1.58694E+003 -1.53543E-004 -7.00355E-006  0.00000E+000  1.07519E+000  1.26828E+001  3.86598E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<       7  8.32630E-16  1.71321E-016  1.58694E+003 -2.02133E-004 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.10613E+000  1.25645E+001  3.94454E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00355E-006) = 0.00010289545
>       7  8.32630E-16  1.71321E-016  1.58694E+003 -2.02134E-004 -7.00355E-006  0.00000E+000  1.10613E+000  1.25646E+001  3.94453E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<       8  1.03807E-15  2.05439E-016  1.58694E+003 -2.60400E-004 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.15261E+000  1.24429E+001  4.05646E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00355E-006) = 0.00010289545
>       8  1.03807E-15  2.05439E-016  1.58694E+003 -2.60402E-004 -7.00355E-006  0.00000E+000  1.15261E+000  1.24429E+001  4.05646E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<       9  1.28434E-15  2.46268E-016  1.58694E+003 -3.30248E-004 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.22180E+000  1.23186E+001  4.21687E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00355E-006) = 0.00010289545
>       9  1.28434E-15  2.46268E-016  1.58694E+003 -3.30250E-004 -7.00355E-006  0.00000E+000  1.22180E+000  1.23186E+001  4.21686E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<      10  1.57938E-15  2.95041E-016  1.58694E+003 -4.13929E-004 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.32434E+000  1.21913E+001  4.44754E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00355E-006) = 0.00010289545
>      10  1.57938E-15  2.95041E-016  1.58694E+003 -4.13930E-004 -7.00355E-006  0.00000E+000  1.32434E+000  1.21914E+001  4.44753E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<      11  1.93259E-15  3.53212E-016  1.58694E+003 -5.14108E-004 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.47946E+000  1.20603E+001  4.77922E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00355E-006) = 0.00010289545
>      11  1.93259E-15  3.53212E-016  1.58694E+003 -5.14110E-004 -7.00355E-006  0.00000E+000  1.47946E+000  1.20604E+001  4.77922E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<      12  2.35494E-15  4.22354E-016  1.58694E+003 -6.33898E-004 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.70777E+000  1.19235E+001  5.25681E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00354E-006) = 0.00010289546
>      12  2.35494E-15  4.22354E-016  1.58694E+003 -6.33900E-004 -7.00354E-006  0.00000E+000  1.70777E+000  1.19236E+001  5.25681E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<      13  2.85911E-15  5.04171E-016  1.58694E+003 -7.76894E-004 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  2.05765E+000  1.17782E+001  5.94089E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00354E-006) = 0.00010289546
>      13  2.85911E-15  5.04171E-016  1.58694E+003 -7.76896E-004 -7.00354E-006  0.00000E+000  2.05765E+000  1.17783E+001  5.94088E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<      14  3.45954E-15  6.00423E-016  1.58694E+003 -9.47189E-004 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  2.58013E+000  1.16213E+001  6.91873E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00354E-006) = 0.00010289546
>      14  3.45954E-15  6.00423E-016  1.58694E+003 -9.47190E-004 -7.00354E-006  0.00000E+000  2.58012E+000  1.16213E+001  6.91873E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<      15  4.17172E-15  7.12186E-016  1.58694E+003 -1.14918E-003 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  3.35101E+000  1.14496E+001  8.30859E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00354E-006) = 0.00010289546
>      15  4.17172E-15  7.12186E-016  1.58694E+003 -1.14918E-003 -7.00354E-006  0.00000E+000  3.35101E+000  1.14497E+001  8.30858E+001  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<      16  5.01232E-15  8.40593E-016  1.58694E+003 -1.38760E-003 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  4.46882E+000  1.12610E+001  1.02704E+002  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00353E-006) = 0.00010289547
>      16  5.01232E-15  8.40593E-016  1.58694E+003 -1.38760E-003 -7.00353E-006  0.00000E+000  4.46882E+000  1.12611E+001  1.02704E+002  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<      17  5.99820E-15  9.85879E-016  1.58694E+003 -1.66722E-003 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  6.11212E+000  1.10542E+001  1.30070E+002  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00351E-006) = 0.00010289549
>      17  5.99820E-15  9.85879E-016  1.58694E+003 -1.66722E-003 -7.00351E-006  0.00000E+000  6.11212E+000  1.10543E+001  1.30070E+002  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<      18  7.14435E-15  1.14616E-015  1.58694E+003 -1.99229E-003 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  8.45505E+000  1.08296E+001  1.67800E+002  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00349E-006) = 0.00010289551
>      18  7.14435E-15  1.14616E-015  1.58694E+003 -1.99230E-003 -7.00349E-006  0.00000E+000  8.45504E+000  1.08296E+001  1.67800E+002  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<      19  8.46252E-15  1.31817E-015  1.58694E+003 -2.36616E-003 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.17627E+001  1.05889E+001  2.18959E+002  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00344E-006) = 0.00010289556
>      19  8.46252E-15  1.31817E-015  1.58694E+003 -2.36616E-003 -7.00344E-006  0.00000E+000  1.17627E+001  1.05889E+001  2.18959E+002  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<      20  9.95985E-15  1.49733E-015  1.58694E+003 -2.79084E-003 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  1.62998E+001  1.03353E+001  2.87112E+002  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00337E-006) = 0.00010289563
>      20  9.95985E-15  1.49733E-015  1.58694E+003 -2.79084E-003 -7.00337E-006  0.00000E+000  1.62998E+001  1.03353E+001  2.87112E+002  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<      21  1.16408E-14  1.68100E-015  1.58694E+003 -3.26761E-003 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  2.24840E+001  1.00724E+001  3.76117E+002  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00325E-006) = 0.00010289575
>      21  1.16408E-14  1.68100E-015  1.58694E+003 -3.26761E-003 -7.00325E-006  0.00000E+000  2.24840E+001  1.00725E+001  3.76117E+002  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
<      22  1.35045E-14  1.86361E-015  1.58694E+003 -3.79617E-003 -1.09899E-004  0.00000E+000  3.06271E+001  9.80449E+000  4.90226E+002  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
--- abs(-1.09899E-004 - -7.00307E-006) = 0.00010289593
>      22  1.35045E-14  1.86361E-015  1.58694E+003 -3.79618E-003 -7.00307E-006  0.00000E+000  3.06271E+001  9.80458E+000  4.90226E+002  3.09180E+008  1.74913E+003  4.97830E+008
ERROR in number of significant numerical differences is 88

GM/BATSRUS/test_magnetometer (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_mars (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_mars_restart (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_mercurysph (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_mhdnoncons (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_multifluid (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_multiion (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_outerhelio (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_outerhelio2d (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_outerhelio_1d (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_outerhelioawsom (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_outerheliopui (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_outerheliopui_1d (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_partsteady (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_region2d (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_saturn (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_shockramp (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_shockround (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_shocktube (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_shocktube_1d_gpu (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_spectrum (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_stitch (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_titan (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_titan_restart (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_twofluidmhd (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_venus (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_venus_restart (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

GM/BATSRUS/test_viscosity (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

IM/CIMI/test_cimi (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

IM/HEIDI/test_analytic (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)


PC/ALTOR/test_altor (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

PC/ALTOR/test_beam (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

PW/PWOM/test_Earth (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

PW/PWOM/test_Earth_plots (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

PW/PWOM/test_Saturn (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

PW/PWOM/test_Saturn_plots (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

PW/PWOM/test_Saturn_restart (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

PW/PWOM/test_Saturn_restart_plots (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

RB/RBE/test (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

SP/MFLAMPA/test_mflampa (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

ERROR in Param/TestOutput/test_mflampa/MH_data.ref does not exist

UA/GITM2/test_gitm_earth_1d (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)


UA/GITM2/test_gitm_mars_1d (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)


test01_gm (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test01_ie (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test01_pw (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test04_gm (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)


test04_ie (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)


test05_ee (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test05_sc (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test06_ih_sa (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test06_sc_sa (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test07_ih (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test07_oh (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test08_ih (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test08_sc_los (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test08_sc_thread (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test09_ih (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test09_ih_trj_earth (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test09_sc (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test09_sc_cme (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test09_sc_cme_los (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test09_sc_los (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test09_sc_restart_los (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test13_pt (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test14_1d_ohpt (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag) -a=1e-21 -r=1e-3 run_test14_1d/RESULTS/OH/log_n000000.log output/test14_1d/OH_log_n000000.log_np2
<       3  9.46728E+07  3.15576E+007  1.00000E-002 -1.43155E-019  1.99854E-023  4.48013E-023  1.00000E-002  6.52274E-024  4.85413E-024  0.00000E+000  1.58505E-012  6.15572E-013  6.94945E-013
--- abs(6.15572E-013 - 6.17570E-013) = 1.99799999999995e-15
>       3  9.46728E+07  3.15576E+007  1.00000E-002 -1.43165E-019 -1.37795E-023  3.63079E-023  1.00000E-002  8.34303E-025  4.85413E-024  0.00000E+000  1.58507E-012  6.17570E-013  6.97842E-013
<       3  9.46728E+07  3.15576E+007  1.00000E-002 -1.43155E-019  1.99854E-023  4.48013E-023  1.00000E-002  6.52274E-024  4.85413E-024  0.00000E+000  1.58505E-012  6.15572E-013  6.94945E-013
--- abs(6.94945E-013 - 6.97842E-013) = 2.897e-15
>       3  9.46728E+07  3.15576E+007  1.00000E-002 -1.43165E-019 -1.37795E-023  3.63079E-023  1.00000E-002  8.34303E-025  4.85413E-024  0.00000E+000  1.58507E-012  6.17570E-013  6.97842E-013
<       4  1.26230E+08  3.15576E+007  1.00000E-002 -1.39695E-019  1.40749E-023  4.29580E-023  1.00000E-002  1.45624E-023 -4.85413E-024  0.00000E+000  1.58135E-012  6.37065E-013  6.82088E-013
--- abs(6.37065E-013 - 6.37715E-013) = 6.50000000000002e-16
>       4  1.26230E+08  3.15576E+007  1.00000E-002 -1.39705E-019 -1.59539E-023  4.02498E-023  1.00000E-002  1.51692E-023  1.69895E-023  0.00000E+000  1.58137E-012  6.37715E-013  6.81218E-013
<       4  1.26230E+08  3.15576E+007  1.00000E-002 -1.39695E-019  1.40749E-023  4.29580E-023  1.00000E-002  1.45624E-023 -4.85413E-024  0.00000E+000  1.58135E-012  6.37065E-013  6.82088E-013
--- abs(6.82088E-013 - 6.81218E-013) = 8.70000000000076e-16
>       4  1.26230E+08  3.15576E+007  1.00000E-002 -1.39705E-019 -1.59539E-023  4.02498E-023  1.00000E-002  1.51692E-023  1.69895E-023  0.00000E+000  1.58137E-012  6.37715E-013  6.81218E-013
<       5  1.57788E+08  3.15576E+007  1.00000E-002 -1.36307E-019  1.88171E-023  2.74785E-023  1.00000E-002  1.89521E-014  6.91868E-014  0.00000E+000  1.57828E-012  6.46724E-013  7.03027E-013
--- abs(1.89521E-014 - -6.04464E-015) = 2.499674e-14
>       5  1.57788E+08  3.15576E+007  1.00000E-002 -1.36350E-019 -1.22669E-023  2.97830E-023  1.00000E-002 -6.04464E-015  2.54751E-014  0.00000E+000  1.57825E-012  6.47282E-013  7.00500E-013
<       5  1.57788E+08  3.15576E+007  1.00000E-002 -1.36307E-019  1.88171E-023  2.74785E-023  1.00000E-002  1.89521E-014  6.91868E-014  0.00000E+000  1.57828E-012  6.46724E-013  7.03027E-013
--- abs(6.91868E-014 - 2.54751E-014) = 4.37117e-14
>       5  1.57788E+08  3.15576E+007  1.00000E-002 -1.36350E-019 -1.22669E-023  2.97830E-023  1.00000E-002 -6.04464E-015  2.54751E-014  0.00000E+000  1.57825E-012  6.47282E-013  7.00500E-013
<       5  1.57788E+08  3.15576E+007  1.00000E-002 -1.36307E-019  1.88171E-023  2.74785E-023  1.00000E-002  1.89521E-014  6.91868E-014  0.00000E+000  1.57828E-012  6.46724E-013  7.03027E-013
--- abs(7.03027E-013 - 7.00500E-013) = 2.52699999999997e-15
>       5  1.57788E+08  3.15576E+007  1.00000E-002 -1.36350E-019 -1.22669E-023  2.97830E-023  1.00000E-002 -6.04464E-015  2.54751E-014  0.00000E+000  1.57825E-012  6.47282E-013  7.00500E-013
ERROR in number of significant numerical differences is 7
ERROR in -a=1e-30 -r=1e-3 run_test14_1d/RESULTS/PT/amps.dat output/test14_1d/amps.dat_np2
< AMPS: 0	1.013131e+05	9.059214e+04	-4.371862e+00	1.768575e+01	
--- abs(-4.371862e+00 - -6.722821e+00) = 2.350959
> AMPS: 0	1.013153e+05	9.062336e+04	-6.722821e+00	3.066473e+01	
< AMPS: 0	1.013131e+05	9.059214e+04	-4.371862e+00	1.768575e+01	
--- abs(1.768575e+01 - 3.066473e+01) = 12.97898
> AMPS: 0	1.013153e+05	9.062336e+04	-6.722821e+00	3.066473e+01	
ERROR in number of significant numerical differences is 2

test14_ohpt (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test14pui_ohpt (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test15_scihsp (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test16 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test17 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test18 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test19_ih (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test19_sc (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test19_sc_los (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test19_sp (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test20 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag) -a=1e-30 -r=1e-7 run_test20/RESULTS/PT/z=0_var_region0_0_t87660000_n00000200.out output/test20/z=0_PT.ref.gz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop1 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y numS0 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 mS0 qS0 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y numPop# rhoPop# rhoPop# Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop# uyPop# uzPop# uxPop# uyPop# uzPop# pPop# pPop# pXXPop# pYYPop# pZZPop# pXYPop# pXZPop# pYZPop# pXXPop# pYYPop# pZZPop# pXYPop# pXZPop# pYZPop# mS# qS# cLight rPlanet cutz
> x y numS# rhoS# rhoS# Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS# uyS# uzS# uxS# uyS# uzS# pS# pS# pXXS# pYYS# pZZS# pXYS# pXZS# pYZS# pXXS# pYYS# pZZS# pXYS# pXZS# pYZS# mS# qS# cLight rPlanet cutz
ERROR in number of significant numerical differences is 23
ERROR in number of differences in the text is 1

test21 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag) -a=1e-13 -r=1e-7 run_test21/RESULTS/swh/PT/z=0_var_region0_1_t00020036_n00000010.out output/test21/z=0_PT.ref.gz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(3 - 2) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(4 - 3) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(1 - 0) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop1 numPop2 numPop3 numPop4 rhoPop1 rhoPop2 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop1 uyPop1 uzPop1 uxPop2 uyPop2 uzPop2 pPop1 pPop2 pXXPop1 pYYPop1 pZZPop1 pXYPop1 pXZPop1 pYZPop1 pXXPop2 pYYPop2 pZZPop2 pXYPop2 pXZPop2 pYZPop2 rhoPop3 uxPop3 uyPop3 uzPop3 pPop3 pXXPop3 pYYPop3 pZZPop3 pXYPop3 pXZPop3 pYZPop3 rhoPop4 uxPop4 uyPop4 uzPop4 pPop4 pXXPop4 pYYPop4 pZZPop4 pXYPop4 pXZPop4 pYZPop4 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
--- abs(2 - 1) = 1
> x y neuregion numS0 numS1 numS2 numS3 rhoS0 rhoS1 Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxS0 uyS0 uzS0 uxS1 uyS1 uzS1 pS0 pS1 pXXS0 pYYS0 pZZS0 pXYS0 pXZS0 pYZS0 pXXS1 pYYS1 pZZS1 pXYS1 pXZS1 pYZS1 rhoS2 uxS2 uyS2 uzS2 pS2 pXXS2 pYYS2 pZZS2 pXYS2 pXZS2 pYZS2 rhoS3 uxS3 uyS3 uzS3 pS3 pXXS3 pYYS3 pZZS3 pXYS3 pXZS3 pYZS3 mS0 qS0 mS1 qS1 mS2 qS2 mS3 qS3 cLight rPlanet cutz
< x y neuregion numPop# numPop# numPop# numPop# rhoPop# rhoPop# Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez uxPop# uyPop# uzPop# uxPop# uyPop# uzPop# pPop# pPop# pXXPop# pYYPop# pZZPop# pXYPop# pXZPop# pYZPop# pXXPop# pYYPop# pZZPop# pXYPop# pXZPop# pYZPop# rhoPop# uxPop# uyPop# uzPop# pPop# pXXPop# pYYPop# pZZPop# pXYPop# pXZPop# pYZPop# rhoPop# uxPop# uyPop# uzPop# pPop# pXXPop# pYYPop# pZZPop# pXYPop# pXZPop# pYZPop# mS# qS# mS# qS# mS# qS# mS# qS# cLight rPlanet cutz

test_eeggl (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_eegtd (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_ps (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_sp (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_aepic_gm (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_aepic_pc (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_cimi_gm (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_cimi_ie (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_cimi_species_gm (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_cimi_species_ie (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_gpu_gm (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_gpu_ie (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_multiion_gm (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag) -a=1e-8 -r=1e-5 run_test_swpc_multiion/GM/IO2/log_e20140410-000200.log Param/SWPC/TestOutputMultiIon/log_e20140410-000200.log
<     438 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000  6.36980E-003  1.21670E+001 -2.60909E-014 -5.94038E-016  8.68974E-016  5.71053E-001  3.30965E+000 -1.40679E+000 -4.81601E+000  4.90138E-002  1.72452E+001  6.22882E+000 -1.05600E+001
--- abs(6.36980E-003 - 6.37030E-003) = 4.99999999999633e-07
>     438 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000  6.37030E-003  1.21670E+001 -2.60909E-014 -5.94038E-016  8.68974E-016  5.71053E-001  3.30965E+000 -1.40679E+000 -4.81601E+000  4.90138E-002  1.72452E+001  6.22882E+000 -1.05600E+001
ERROR in number of significant numerical differences is 1

test_swpc_multiion_ie (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_multispecies_gm (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_multispecies_ie (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_pwom_gm (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_pwom_ie (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag) -a=1e-4 -r=5e-4 run_test_swpc_pwom/IE/ionosphere/it140410_000300_000.idl Param/SWPC/TestOutputPwom/it140410_000300_000.idl.gz
<   0.28500E+02  0.24800E+03  0.64529E+01  0.37994E+01 -0.62348E-01  0.23004E+02  0.54025E-03  0.46901E+01  0.00000E+00  0.10000E-20  0.10000E-12  0.55201E-05  0.32331E+01  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00
--- abs(0.32331E+01 - 0.32314E+01) = 0.00170000000000003
>   0.28500E+02  0.24800E+03  0.64529E+01  0.37994E+01 -0.62348E-01  0.23004E+02  0.54025E-03  0.46901E+01  0.00000E+00  0.10000E-20  0.10000E-12  0.55178E-05  0.32314E+01  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00
ERROR in number of significant numerical differences is 1

test_swpc_pwom_species_gm (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_pwom_species_ie (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_rcm_gm (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag) -a=2e-4 -r=2e-4 run_test_swpc/GM/IO2/superindex_e20140410-000200.log Param/SWPC/TestOutput/superindex_e20140410-000200.log
< 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
--- abs(0000010 - 60.00) = 50
> Synthetic SuperMAG Indices DtOutput=   60.00
< 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
--- abs(2014 - 0000010) = 2004
> 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
< 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
--- abs(04 - 2014) = 2010
> 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
< 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
--- abs(10 - 04) = 6
> 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
< 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
--- abs(00 - 10) = 10
> 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
< 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
--- abs(02 - 00) = 2
> 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
< 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
--- abs(00 - 02) = 2
> 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
< 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
--- abs(-86.04 - 000) = 86.04
> 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
< 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
--- abs(67.74 - -86.04) = 153.78
> 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
< 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
--- abs(153.77 - 67.74) = 86.03
> 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
< 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
--- abs(-9.15 - 153.77) = 162.92
> 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
< 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
--- abs(0000170 - -9.15) = 179.15
> 0000010 2014 04 10 00 02 00 000    -86.04     67.74    153.77     -9.15
< 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
--- abs(2014 - 0000170) = 1844
> 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
< 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
--- abs(04 - 2014) = 2010
> 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
< 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
--- abs(10 - 04) = 6
> 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
< 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
--- abs(00 - 10) = 10
> 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
< 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
--- abs(03 - 00) = 3
> 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
< 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
--- abs(00 - 03) = 3
> 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
< 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
--- abs(-85.77 - 000) = 85.77
> 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
< 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
--- abs(66.93 - -85.77) = 152.7
> 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
< 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
--- abs(152.69 - 66.93) = 85.76
> 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
< 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
--- abs(-9.42 - 152.69) = 162.11
> 0000170 2014 04 10 00 03 00 000    -85.77     66.93    152.69     -9.42
< Synthetic SuperMAG Indices
> Synthetic SuperMAG Indices DtOutput=   #
< # # # # # # # #    #     #    #     #
WARNING in there are extra numbers in Param/SWPC/TestOutput/superindex_e20140410-000200.log
ERROR in number of significant numerical differences is 22
ERROR in number of differences in the text is 2

test_swpc_rcm_ie (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test_swpc_rcm_rb (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/advect11 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/advect12 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/advect21 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/advect22 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/advect22_cyl (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/advect22_round (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/advect22_rz (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/advect31 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/advect32 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/advect33 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/advect33_rlonlat (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/advect33_round (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/advect33_sph (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/readamr_1d (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/readamr_2d (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/readamr_3d (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/readamr_c (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/readamr_sph (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/test11 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/test12 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/test21 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/test22 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/test31 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/test32 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

BATL/test33 (SWMF_TEST_RESULTS/2023/07/17: nag)

test1                    .:    42.23
test13                   .:     0.00
test14                   .:    34.34
test14_1d                .:   144.02
test14pui                .:    87.94
test15                   .:     9.78
test16                   .:     9.30
test17                   .:    28.05
test18                   .:    11.13
test19                   .:    29.23
test20                   .:     5.15
test21_4neu              .:   140.75
test21_oh_pt             .:    40.02
test5                    .:    20.93
test6                    .:   212.84
test7                    .:    51.05
test8                    .:   187.83
test9                    .:    67.93
test_2bodyplot           .:   276.04
test_altor               .:     0.00
test_anisotropic         .:   160.38
test_awsom               .:   101.82
test_awsom_bvector       .:    31.06
test_awsom_gpu           .:    11.19
test_awsomchargestate    .:   116.27
test_awsomfluids         .:     1.34
test_beam                .:     0.00
test_bvector             .:     6.23
test_bx0                 .:     0.15
test_comet               .:   194.19
test_cometCGfluids       .:    33.62
test_cometCGhd           .:   101.64
test_earth               .:    64.98
test_earthsph            .:    39.27
test_eeggl               .:     0.00
test_eegtd               .:     0.00
test_eosgodunov          .:     3.42
test_europa2fluidspe     .:     7.79
test_europa3fluidspe     .:    85.82
test_fastwave            .:    37.57
test_fastwave_2d         .:     0.10
test_fivemoment_alfven   .:    42.85
test_fivemoment_langmuir .:    17.81
test_fivemoment_shock    .:    28.70
test_fluxemergence       .:   105.48
test_func                .:     0.00
test_ganymede            .:     4.59
test_graydiffusion       .:    11.62
test_hallmhd             .:     1.10
test_jupiter             .:    66.62
test_laserpackage        .:    29.10
test_magnetometer        .:    49.73
test_mars                .:    17.10
test_mercurysph          .:    52.99
test_mflampa             .:     0.00
test_mhdnoncons          .:    29.89
test_multifluid          .:    21.81
test_multiion            .:     5.51
test_outerhelio          .:    98.50
test_outerhelio2d        .:   199.97
test_outerhelio_1d       .:     4.87
test_outerhelioawsom     .:   103.53
test_outerheliopui       .:    29.16
test_outerheliopui_1d    .:     4.70
test_partsteady          .:     9.74
test_ps                  .:     1.86
test_region2d            .:     0.02
test_saturn              .:   171.98
test_shockramp           .:    97.19
test_shockround          .:   132.99
test_shocktube           .:     3.59
test_shocktube_1d        .:     0.06
test_sp                  .:     0.95
test_spectrum            .:     0.00
test_stitch              .:   181.57
test_swpc                .:   114.00
test_swpc_aepic          .:   106.30
test_swpc_cimi           .:   134.56
test_swpc_cimi_species   .:   135.45
test_swpc_gpu            .:   767.84
test_swpc_multiion       .:   157.74
test_swpc_multispecies   .:    71.54
test_swpc_pwom           .:   208.04
test_swpc_pwom_species   .:   215.76
test_titan               .:    74.66
test_twofluidmhd         .:    47.87
test_venus               .:    86.42
test_viscosity           .:     4.24